Sometimes you wished that all of Drupal cache would be disabled for the sake of testing or any other purpose.

Just call the enable/disable function at will in your custom code. Dont forget to enable caching for production, if you intend to use this in your development

Drupal 7

function my_module_cache_disable() {
  if (!class_exists('DrupalFakeCache')) {
    $cache_backends = variable_get('cache_backends', array());
    $cache_backends[] = 'includes/';
    variable_set('cache_backends', $cache_backends);
  // Default to throwing away cache data
  // Rely on the DB cache for form caching - otherwise forms fail.
  variable_set('cache_class_cache_form', 'DrupalDatabaseCache');

function my_module_cache_enable() {
  // Default to throwing away cache data
  // Rely on the DB cache for form caching - otherwise forms fail.

Drupal 6

function my_module_cache_disable() {
  variable_set('cache_inc', './includes/');
function my_module_cache_enable() {