Super Solr Mario

Last Monday (26th of march) I went to Barcelona to do my thesis defense in order to complete my Master. This defense existed out of a panel of three professors from the UPC university. I worked hard for the Drupal...

Simple guide to install Apache Solr 3.x for Drupal 7

A quick and simple guide to get Drupal 7 and Apache Solr version 3.5 or higher running on your local development machine! For the ones that have been resistant in trying out Apache Solr, this is your chance. If you...

Adding a custom plugin to Solr

Internally at Acquia we had the need to add a custom plugin to our Solr 3.4 Build. This was already developed for Solr 1.4 but since Solr 3.x is using a very different approach while building and compiling its contrib...

A story of an intern at Acquia

The history of my engagement with Acquia started a while ago — well, a couple of months. Considering how fast Acquia is growing, I’d call that “a while ago” around here! My name is Nick Veenhof ( After getting a...