We all love test and staging environments but it becomes a problem when you have Solr integrated in your project and you have a test solr, a staging solr and a production solr core. To re-index a site is not a big problem, but what if you want to go live and switch indexes immediately?
Drupal.org has wrestled with this problem. So I wanted to show you how they do it.
Create three Solr cores
- mysite_core1 (will be used for tests)
- mysite_core2 (will be used for staging initially)
- mysite_core3 (will be used for production initially)
Make sure your staging site indexes as if it was the production site. There are a number of tricks you can apply.
Site hash
Make sure both site hashes are exactly the same, otherwise it won’t correctly find the indexed content
variable_set('apachesolr_site_hash', 'mysite_custom_hash');
Base URL
When Solr indexes content, it will use absolute urls. To trick solr you could set the base url to reflect production.
# $base_url = 'http://www.example.com'; // NO trailing slash!
Alter the documents that are being sent
You could also not do the base_url approach and hardcode the fields you want to change. Using the hook_apachesolr_index_documents_alter() you could any of the staging urls to reflect production urls. csevb10 created something similar but used a different hook. Below is more or less the same code, using the documents_alter hook.
function hook_apachesolr_index_documents_alter($documents, $entity, $entity_type, $env_id) {
$start_url = variable_get('apachesolr_url_switch_start_url', 'http://staging');
$end_url = variable_get('apachesolr_url_switch_end_url', 'http://production');
$elems = array(
foreach ($documents as $id => $document) {
foreach ($elems as $elem) {
$documents[$id]->{$elem} = str_replace($start_url, $end_url, $document->{$elem});
Create an update function and let it set the correct index position
function my_module_update_7001() {
// I am assuming your environment is called "core"
// mark all content to be reindexed so our table would be in sync with the transfered nodes.
// fetch your current apachesolr_index_last from staging
$staging_index_last = array();
// fetch your current apachesolr_index_updated from staging
$staging_updated = array();
variable_set('apachesolr_index_updated', $staging_updated);
Switching the core
Once you move to production, make sure you switch the cores. So mysite_core2 becomes production and mysite_core3 becomes staging. You could also copy the complete data dir from solr to your thrid core but that might not be automatic enough for some you.