Today I presented Apache Solr in Drupalcamp Lisbon 2011 (Twitter #dclx11)

I’d like to share the example module I wrote to use the apache solr API more efficiently + the slides I used to support it. An example module for ApacheSolr Module does not exist yet but maybe this is a good start. Please comment on this to see if you have improvements.

The module has been split up in different files serving different purposes (theme, functions, hooks). Note: I use some ugly menu_alter hacks to allow a custom apachesolr menu callback but this is not the main goal. Also I’d be more than happy to explain you any question you would have concerning this implementation/example

What the slides can tell you is how Drupal search works and which alternatives you have for using search. Also it addresses a lot of technical issues like caching and customizing but I would like to forward you to the session page if you also want to have the audio (will be uploaded soon)

Apache Solr For Drupalcamp Lisboa 2011 #dclx11

Also included is the example module I used. The example site also had apachesolr_ubercart installed.

Drupalcamp Example Module